Monday, May 25, 2009

Counters and RSS

Counter count how many users visit your site, the term is used in electronics and computing. Counters store and can display the number of time an event or process occurs. Some counters only measure unique hits others page views. Other web analysis tools include Benchmarking, compares where your stand in relation to a particular standard. Geo tagging finds out where your web visitors come from. Advanced segmentation, isolate and analyse web traffic, you can define your preferences as to what you would like to know about your users. Motion charts allow you to set metrics for your chart elements and compare data you have collected. Custom reports let you design, save and edit reports.
RSS, really simple syndication, generates summaries of content, the url of a site changes after clicking RSS. RSS are constantly being updated. If you subscribe to an RSS feed you will be able to keep track of these updates.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's Saturday.................

It's been another jam packed week. I think I have managed to fight off the 'heavy cold', I thought I was getting. I learn't about counters and rss feeds and will attempt to add a feed to my blog after this post. I worked on my website and figured sometimes it is good to start things with a plan in mind. I havn't yet started my
2nd VPA104 project ahh. Jackson is at a sleep over party tonight so theres no excuse not to get some work done. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Gee it was windy today :)

Monday, May 18, 2009


FTP (file transfer protocol)allows files to be easily shared, transferred reliably and accessed from a remote computer. The two common transfer modes are ASCII and Binary mode. Before SSL and HTTP, FTP commands and files could be accessed by other using the same network as data being transferred was not in an encrypted fashion. Some FTP services can be accessed by anyone because users do not have to have an account, they sign in anonymously using their email as there password. There is no verification process on the supplied information. This is definitely something to consider when deciding on FTP to use.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Summary of what I have learnt studying the unit MPI104. The various applications of Google encompass everything from the opportunity to check the weather to Google Earth where you can view actual footage of places. I have set up my own blog, something I was quite unfamiliar with the the beginning of the year. My blog allows others to know what I am up to and lets them add their own comments and even become followers. I can customise my blog to include photos, video and various gadgets. I have learnt new terms and definitions including metadata, interestingness and css. I now have my own Flickr page which allows me to upload and share photos with family and friends. I have a Del.ici.ous account where I can save web address, friends email addresses and join groups. I can organise my contacts using a personalised tab system. I can access my blog, flickr page and del.ici.ous account from any computer that is connected to the internet. I have learnt (basics) about building web pages and can now create a link using html.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

New York, New York

Well that was a whirlwind of a trip five hours on the plane 1/2 an hour to the hotel, woke up to 'house keeping' thought s#!t I'm in New York I'd better get up and get moving. First stop,Metropolitan Museum of Art, could have spent the whole five days there, instead spent about five hours. Next Times Square hung out there for a while then caught the subway back to hotel. Day two, Downtown, Wall st, Statue of Liberty,Brooklyn and it's Museum of be continued....